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DAIC Kickoff Meeting Predictions for 2023

Ben Cochran

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

On Tuesday January 24th the Digital Asset Innovation Council (DAIC) based out of Charlotte held its inaugural meeting. The meeting was attended by a diverse group of leaders and enthusiasts representing financial institutions, technology companies, consulting agencies and public sector. The group met in Southend Charlotte to start off what is hoped to be a successful endeavor of bringing together and growing the blockchain community of Charlotte.

To start off the meeting Bart Cant, from Rethink Ledgers, reviewed the events of 2022 in the digital asset and blockchain space. The group discussed the current state of the industry and the challenges it faces.

After these discussions, the group took to the simple task of predicting the future. With sticky notes, discussion and good ole democracy, the group came up with ideas of what 2023 would have in store for the digital asset industry. Predictions were made across 5 industry pillars:

  1. Crypto Prices

  2. Adoption

  3. Web3

  4. Regulation

  5. Financial Services

The group collectively voted on these predictions as they varied from improbable to very likely.

Crypto Prices

This category is pretty self-explanatory, but there are a couple caveats: if we were able to actually predict these, we would all have way more money, second this is not financial advice.

  1. The total cryptocurrency market cap will surpass $2T

  2. BTC price will recover to over $50k at some point in 2023


Which technologies or use cases will outpace industry adoption through 2023?

  1. The real estate industry will expand adoption of blockchain technology use cases

  2. Ethereum layer twos will surpass alternative layer ones in usage


Which Web3 advancements will lead Web3 development in 2023?

  1. Multiple major consumer brands will join the Web3 ecosystem by connecting digital assets or virtual goods with real life products and utility

  2. There will be major strides made in interoperable self-sovereign identity within Web3


How will the regulatory landscape change across the world in 2023?

  1. The EU will announce enhanced regulatory and tax guidance

  2. The US will define regulation, but only on cryptocurrency deposits

Financial Services

How will the financial services industry adopt digital assets in 2023?

  1. One of top 5 us banks will offer key management service

  2. Financial services continue silent, but steady tokenization efforts

The Fun Ones

  1. SBF will go to jail before his 10th Substack article

There you have it, The Digital Asset Innovation Council predictions for 2023! Do you think we have a crystal ball or do no idea what we are talking about? Either way we would love to hear your input!

We will continue to keep everyone posted on the developments the group make, including defining our mission and goals. We will be hosting events in Southend Charlotte for the community to come. We welcome individuals of all levels of knowledge and experience with blockchain, digital assets and Web3. Be on the lookout for event announcements in the future!

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